Statistik - Antal etiketter fra hvert land"; } { echo "Statistics - Number of labels from each country"; } ?> // "; echo "
$bogstav"; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ""; } function total_linie( $sprog, $bogstav, $ant_oel, $ant_vand ) { echo "
"; echo 'Total '; echo $bogstav; echo ''; if ( $ant_oel > 0 ) echo $ant_oel; echo ''; if ( $ant_vand > 0 ) echo $ant_vand; echo "
"; echo ""; $tot_ant = $ant_oel + $ant_vand; return $tot_ant; } function grand_total_linie( $sprog, $ant_oel, $ant_vand ) { echo "
"; echo 'Grandtotal '; echo ''; if ( $ant_oel > 0 ) echo $ant_oel; echo ''; if ( $ant_vand > 0 ) echo $ant_vand; echo "
"; echo ""; $tot_ant = $ant_oel + $ant_vand; return $tot_ant; } function open_database( ) { if (!( $connection = @ mysql_connect("","tommy","tommyholm"))) showerror(); if (!( mysql_select_db("beerlabels", $connection))) showerror(); return $connection; } ?>
Statistik - etiketter pr. bryggeri  
Etiketter pr. land"; echo "Nedenfor ses hvor mange etiketter der findes på Vælg land for at se bryggerier derfra.
"; } else { echo "

Labels from each country

"; echo "Below you can see how many labels you can find on Select country to see breweries from selected country.
"; } ?>
Bryggeri Antal øl Antal mineralvand