On this page you can find the latest news from beerlabels.dk
14 august 2002
Today beerlabels.dk has been extended with the largest update ever. In earlier versions you would only find danish labels
but now you will also find foreign labels on this site. Below you will find a overview of countries represented with labels
in this first version, you will also find the number of breweries from each country:
Unfortunately I have noticed that some of the users thinks that if pictures are placed on the internet, then it's allowed to use them as one likes.
It seems that some does not know the copyright laws, or they don't care about it. That's why a new item has been added to the
menu that explains how you legally can use beerlabels.dk and for what purpose.
In order to protect my work I have added a watermark to all images - this means that you always can see where the images come from. If you
need an image without watermark you are always welcome to take contact to me - probably we can work something out.
Today there is also updates to som danish breweries - the following has been updated
The Brewery Alliance, Copenhagen
The Star Brewery
Hørrelund kilde
Lundby Brewery
Middelfart Brewery
The Brewery Neptun
Tved Brewery
Ceres Breweries
The Brewery Carlsminde
Thor Breweries
30 maj 2002
Today the update is only for a single brewery - Thisted Brewhouse. Nopw you can see 588 different labels from this brewery.
The labels are put in the order that Ole Olsen uses in his catalog.
30 april 2002
This time a lot of new breweries has been added. You will not find many labels from the following breweries, but more
will be added later. The clickable map of Denmark is not yet updated - this will be done in the near future.
The following breweries and mineral water factories has been added:
Houlbjerg Brewery
Hasseris Brewery
Brovst Brewery
Vils Brewery
Ejby Brewery
Ikast Mineralwater Factory
Slagelse Brewhouse
Vejstrup Brewery
The Brewery Odin
Hadsund Brewery
The Brewery Dronninglund
Løgstør Brewhouse
Havdrup Brewery
Merløse Brewery
Menstrup Brewery
The Brewery Rørkjær
Kirke Hyllinge Brewery
Skovsgaard Brewery
Kongsted Brewery
Herlufmagle Brewery
Saltum Brewhouse
The Valash Factory
The Mineralwater Factory Krystal
The Mineralwater Factory Marselis
More labels from the following breweries:
Carlsberg Breweries
Hesselager Brewery
Horslunde Brewery
17 april 2002
Beerlabels.dk has been down from app. 11:35 og 6 hours and 4 minuts. The phoneconnection was cut. Now the
system should be up and running again.
15 april 2002
More labels from the following breweries:
Faxe Brewery
Albani Breweries
Harboes Brewery
Labels from Harboes Brewery is now put in the same order as Carsten R. Olsen uses in his catalog. The number of labels
is now more than 930 different labels from this brewery.
17 march 2002
More labels from the following breweries:
The Brewery Carlsminde
The Brewery Stevns
Gylling Brewery
Hatting most og mineralwater factory
Holeby Brewery
Indslev Brewery
The Kings Brewhouse
Lolland Falsters Brewhouse
Svendborg Brewhouse
Ørbæk Brewery
The Brewery Hindsholm
28 february 2002
The following breweries and mineral water factories has been added:
The Brewery Odin
The Brewery Urban
The Neptun Brewery
J. L. Larsens Beerbrewery - Assens
More labels from the following breweries:
Faxe Brewery
Kværndrup Brewery
Maribo Brewhouse
Nexø Brewery and Mineral Water Factory
The Brewery Refsvindinge
Taasinge Brewery
The Kings Brewhouse
Ceres Breweries
3 februar 2002
More labels from the following breweries:
The Brewery Vestfyen
Lolland - Falster Brewhouse
Maribo Brewhouse
Apollo Mineral Water
Nørrebro Brewery
Gylling Brewery
Ceres Breweries
Cito Mineral Water
Faxe Breweries
The Brewery Vendia
The Brewery Carlsminde
Kolding Brewhouse
The Brewery Refsvindinge
The Brewery Stjernen
The Brewery Alliance - Ringsted
Svendborg Brewhouse
Albani Breweries
Desuden er der rettet flere fejl omkring Lolland - Falster Bryghus som virkede meningsforstyrrende.
Der findes nu en side som fortæller om Lolland - Falster Bryghus' historie, i den forbindelse
tak til Finn Christiansen som har skrevet indlægget.
19 januar 2002
En række mindre fejl er rettet. I den forbindelse tak til Tine Wanning og Finn Christiansen fordi de har gjort mig opmærksom på disse fejl.
Here you can find news from 2001